Ofsted Report
We are delighted to have been awarded Good in all areas following our 2022 inspection.
Summary of key findings for parents
This provision is Good
- Leaders and managers have a strong vision for the future of the setting. For example, they have plans to invest in a range of resources to develop the provision further to support children's experiences. They plan to develop children's imagination and curiosity through forest school and develop children's language skills further through support from the local authority.
- The manager leads by example. She is a positive role model who spends time in the different rooms. She uses these opportunities to help staff develop their teaching skills further. Staff comment that they benefit from wider staff meetings to enhance their knowledge. They report that she is very accessible, and they have seen improvements since her appointment.
- Children are involved in a range of opportunities to develop their appreciation of the natural world. For example, they grow their own vegetables and look after animals. They engage excitedly when chopping different vegetables to try and choose which ones to feed the rabbits.
- Staff model good manners and are calm and patient in their approach. They offer children cuddles and use gentle words to soothe them. This supports children's behaviour. For example, at lunchtime, children sit and eat lunch together, listening and behaving well.
- Children enjoy the outdoors, where they excitedly explore the wooden climbing frame and look forward to circle time in the woods. They confidently explain how they keep themselves safe outside, such as waiting their turn for the trampoline and checking the logs before they climb on them.
- Children play well together, eagerly trying on different dressing-up clothes and role playing. Adults support their choices and help them to get dressed.
- The premises are safe and secure for children. The manager fully understands her roles and responsibilities for recruiting new staff safely. She undertakes thorough recruitment checks to ensure suitability. Staff know how to identify signs of abuse and what to do if they have concerns about children's welfare. Staff have regular safeguarding updates to ensure that they know about safeguarding issues. They can identify what to do in a range of safeguarding scenarios and know how to protect children from harm. Children learn how to keep themselves safe. They are involved in risk assessing play equipment and outdoor activities.